January Community Partner Meeting
ZoomTexas Council on Family Violence will be talking about the 89th Legislative Agenda
Identifying and Responding to Stalking
United Way of Greater Houston 50 Waugh Street, Houston, TX, United StatesStalking is a prevalent, dangerous, and often misunderstood crime. This full-day training explores the dynamics of stalking, focusing on the highly contextual nature of the crime by discussing common tactics used by perpetrators, stalking’s co-occurrence with domestic violence, the use of technology to stalk, and the use of risk assessments in stalking cases, as well […]
Legal Services Committee Meeting
The purpose of the Legal Services Committee is to increase communication among advocacy organizations, legal service organizations and other stakeholders to improve clients’ access to resources. If you would like to attend this meeting please email Amy HERE.
Policy Committee Meeting
The purpose of the Policy Committee is create and support a policy agenda that supports the needs of Domestic Violence Survivors and their children. If you would like to attend this meeting please email Amy HERE.
February Community Partner Meeting
ZoomTeen Dating Violence Panel Who you choose to date speaks volumes about your values, priorities, and self-worth—it reflects more about you than your partner. Did you know most teens face heightened risks of unhealthy relationships between the ages of 11 and 14? Why is this critical stage so impactful? This is the time when young […]
Policy Committee Meeting
The purpose of the Policy Committee is create and support a policy agenda that supports the needs of Domestic Violence Survivors and their children. If you would like to attend this meeting please email Amy HERE.
Legal Services Committee Meeting
The purpose of the Legal Services Committee is to increase communication among advocacy organizations, legal service organizations and other stakeholders to improve clients’ access to resources. If you would like to attend this meeting please email Amy HERE.
Fact or Expert: An Introduction to the Ethical Role and Use of AN Expert Witness
This training provides participants with the knowledge and skill set needed to professionally and ethically use or serve as an expert witness: benchmarks for establishing “expertise” before serving as or employing expert witnesses; and ethical, personal, and professional benefits of serving as, or utilizing, experts for case consultation and in the trial. By the end […]
Community Partner Monthly Meeting
United Way of Greater Houston 50 Waugh Street, Houston, TX, United StatesHarris County District Atty Office Overview and FAQ Join us at the United Way for this informative overview of the HC District Attorney's Office. Speakers are: Tracy Gordon and Leticia Martinez Tracy Gordon is a Crisis Risk Assessment Team member in the Harris County District Attorney’s Office in the Domestic Violence Bureau (DVB). She has […]
Cut It Out: Stylist Recognizing, Responding and Referring Clients Experiencing Domestic Violence
ZoomApproximately one in three women and one in nine men will experience domestic violence during their lifetime. Only about thirty-three percent of all survivors of domestic violence will ever contact law enforcement or seek services from a crisis center, which means sixty-seven percent are not accessing help. The relationship built between stylist (including barbers) is […]
Policy Committee Meeting
The purpose of the Policy Committee is create and support a policy agenda that supports the needs of Domestic Violence Survivors and their children. If you would like to attend this meeting please email Amy HERE.
Ethics For Victim Service Providers Workshop
United Way of Greater Houston 50 Waugh Street, Houston, TX, United StatesEthics for Victim Service Providers is a professional development opportunity for Victim Service Providers (Social Workers, Victim Advocates, Resident Advocates, and Title IX staff) to be introduced or review standards for delivering trauma informed services while working within the coordinated community response system and working with survivors of domestic/sexual violence. THIS WORKSHOP IS FREE-HOWEVER IF […]