First Assessment Screening Tools Application (FAST App)
Texas Women’s University developed the First Assessment Screening Tools (FAST) Application, intended for front line providers of shelter and justice services who help women reporting intimate partner violence. Through a facilitated 5-minute question/answer process, the app helps screening professionals predict levels of outcome risks for victims/survivors of domestic violence. These outcomes include: long term symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) for the woman; behavioral problems for her children; return to the abuser; and return to the shelter.
The FAST App principles and functionality are rooted in 7 years’ research on a cohort of 300 English- and Spanish-speaking women and children. Research evidence is included in the application for quick reference. For questions about the research, contact Dr. Judith McFarlane, Ph.D.
The FAST App runs in English and Spanish, and is free in Google Play and Apple iTunes.