Texas Council on Family Violence joined us to talk about The 89th Legislative Agenda. Meeting Recording and handouts are below.
The 87th Legislative Session is approaching soon.
This was an opportunity to learn what the Texas Council on Family Violence will be addressing during this legislative session and how you as advocates can begin educating our community.
Krista Del Gallo is a Policy Manager at the Texas Council on Family Violence. Her work focuses on researching, analyzing and promoting laws, policies and options that expand the critical social safety nets and pathways to prosperity for survivors of family violence, with a particular focus on health, immigration remedies, child custody, and economic stability. Krista has been working within the domestic violence and sexual assault movements since 1994.
Molly Voyles is a Public Policy Manager for the Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) and has worked at the coalition for over 13 years and in the movement to end violence for over 25. In her position at TCFV, she provides technical assistance and training on family violence program policy issues with a focus on supporting survivor-centered services models and privacy supports. She also works on systemic efforts to examine the intersection of homelessness and domestic violence in an effort to promote access to housing choice for survivors.
Alexandra Cantrell is a Public Policy Manager on the Legal Sub-team at the Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV). Prior to joining TCFV, Alexandra worked at a domestic violence clinic during law school, at the National Domestic Violence Hotline and at a domestic violence program. At TCFV, Alexandra’s focus relates to survivors’ interactions with the legal system.