Healing Starts Here

HCDVCC fosters partnerships and improves system processes to enhance safety and access to services for domestic violence victims, with a focus on streamlining housing options and closing service gaps.

HCDVCC determined that the best way to meet its mission to build formal collaborations that effect systemic change is through understanding and improving how the each of the systems work to enhance safety for victims of domestic violence; this includes streamlining the process for families fleeing from domestic violence to enter into safe, stable, and affordable housing options and increasing our community’s housing inventory.


HCDVCC ‘s sole interest is working to create collaborative partnerships and fill service gaps to increase safety and effect positive change. The housing projects create community wide best practices for rapid rehousing for victims of domestic. The coordinated access process decreases the frustrations victims experience when navigating complex systems.

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Landlord Information

Details for Landlords and those who want to become landlords for our programs.

Client Information

If you are a client of our RRH program, links you will need are here.

Privacy Policy

Our policy on information in English and Spanish.

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