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Its a SMOOOTH Santa Visit

The SMOOOTH SANTA event was hosted last night at the office from 5-7 pm. This event was in partnership with SMOOOTH (more about them below). A total of 6 families were treated to a SMOOOTH SANTA Wonderland experience. Each family had 2-4 kiddos.

The experience started off with families being treated to goodie bags, sweets, hot chocolate, and drinks. Then the kiddos were invited to participate in festive arts and crafts. Then a picture with Santa (with the parent’s written consent) and that picture was then printed for them and framed for them to take home. Then they had carolers sing a couple of Christmas songs. Kiddos were then invited to decorate the Christmas tree. And finally (and most importantly for the kiddos), they got a Christmas gift or two!

The whole experience was very festive, and there was a smile on every face – from 4-month-olds to 15-year-olds!

I want to make sure and give a shout-out to the Trauma Support Partners who helped make this possible cause; honestly, our TSP team rocks!

About the Author

Desire Martinez, HCDVCC, Lead Trauma Support Partner