Community Share Op-eds Sexual Assault

Healthy Relationships

1 in 3 teens will experience some form of physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse by a dating partner and approximately 8.5 million women experienced sexual assault before the age of 18. Teen dating violence, a form of intimate partner violence, is the most prevalent form of youth violence – affecting youth regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

Just a couple months ago I was invited out to Austin, Texas to conduct a training for a group of young college-aged women. I began my presentation with the same eye-opening activity I always use  – “Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now, raise your hand if you either have experienced or know someone who has experienced some form of intimate partner violence. Now open your eyes and look around.” There was not a single hand in the room that was not raised…

After concluding my presentation with the young women, a few came up to me to express how they wished they had the opportunity to learn about healthy relationships before they had started dating. So, here is where you come in – preventing teen dating violence requires a broad coalition of parents, schools, and community organizations to join forces to start having conversations about healthy relationships at an early age.

Here are a few steps you can take to help prevent teen dating violence:

  • Become a trusted source for information about relationships – talk about relationships, including difficult topics like red flags, sex, and dating violence.
  • Teach your children about healthy relationships – how to form them and how to recognize them. Healthy relationships are built on trust, honesty, respect, equality, and compromise. Children need to hear about what constitutes a healthy relationship and how safe relationships are established.
  • Encourage children to be assertive – to speak up for themselves and voice their opinions or needs. Teach and model ways to say “NO!”
  • Help children recognize warning signs of an unhealthy relationship – include jealousy, controlling behavior, and other red flags.
  • Encourage children to be active bystanders – to take action/give support when a friend is in an unhealthy relationship.


Effective prevention and action has been seen to significantly decrease cases of intimate partner violence in teens. If you are interested in learning more about healthy relationships or wanting to set up a healthy relationships training, please email tishya@dayahouston.org

Let’s do our part to decrease the number of hands that go up when asked “raise your hand if you either have experienced or know someone who has experienced some form of intimate partner violence.”

About the Author


Tishya Bedi is the Director of Outreach and Education at Daya Houston.

Community Share Crime Victims Op-eds

Honoring Crime Victims’ Rights Week

Honoring Crime Victims Rights’ Week

The 1970’s were a volatile time in America. The Vietnam War was still raging with constant protests and the Equal Rights Amendment was struggling to get ratified (and is still not ratified to date). In the meantime, victims of crime had very few if any rights. In 1972, the first three victim assistance programs were created in St. Louis, San Francisco and Washington, DC to begin to address the unique needs of crime victims. In 1976, Harris County District Attorney Carol S. Vance was serving as President of the National District Attorneys Association when he heard about a program in California to help victims through the difficult experience of the criminal justice process. He decided that Harris County needed a similar program, so he tasked Suzanne McDaniel to establish the first such program in Texas. In 1977 the Harris County District Attorney’s Office Victim Witness Division was created to provide information, assistance, and support for victims of crime in Harris County.

Harris County was ahead of the times because it was not until 1982, that President Ronald Reagan created the President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime. The report from the Task Forces had sixty-eight recommendations in five different areas including proposed Executive and Legislative action at both the Federal and State levels, proposed Federal action, proposed action for criminal justice system agencies, proposed actions for organizations and a proposed amendment to the Federal Constitution. As a result, the United States Congress passed the Federal Victim and Witness Protection Act of 1982. This act changed the status of a crime victim from a person who merely identifies the perpetrator and testifies in court to the role of an active participant in the criminal justice process. Victims were allowed to provide victim impact statements to the court describing their experiences and costs of being a crime victim and guaranteeing the right to claim restitution. Two years later the US Congress enacted the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) that created a matching grant program to encourage states to create victim compensation funds and local programs to assist crime victims. Even though the Victim Witness Division had been established in 1977, it was not until the 69th Texas Legislature in 1985 passed HB 235 adding Chapter 56 to the Code of Criminal Procedure, Rights of Crime Victims. And in 1989 Texans voted to add the Victims Bill of Rights to the Texas Constitution (Article 1, Section 30). Over the years the Division has grown and changed its name to the Victim Services Division. In 2017, the Division applied for and received a grant to go from six Victim Assistance Coordinators to twenty-one! Their expansion continued and they now have twenty-five Victim Assistance Coordinators who reach out to over 20,000 victims of crime each year! How the Victim Services Division helps crime victims in Harris County: Basic Services
  • Orientation to the criminal justice system and process;
  • Assistance to victims who must testify;
  • Crisis Intervention
  •  Information about the individual case status and outcome;
  • Assistance with compensation;
  • Facilitating victim participation in the criminal justice system;
  • Information about and referral to community services;
  • Education and training for the general public, justice system personnel, and local service providers; and
  • Post disposition/conviction services
During Prosecution
  • Ensure that victims are afforded their rights.
  • Provide a victim impact statement, as well as assistance completing forms.
  • Provide notification of prosecution case status.
  • Provide court accompaniment
  • Prepare victims for the courtroom
  • Provide referrals to social services, counseling, and other criminal justice agencies.
  • Provide follow-up services, including reassurance, supportive listening, and options for solving problems related to the crime’s impact.
  • Provide a secure waiting area for victims now known as the Suzanne McDaniel Victim Waiting Room.
  • Assist with questions and concerns about the Crime Victims’ Compensation program.
  • Provide assistance with victim appearance coordination.
  • Provide victims with information about their right to address the court after sentencing.
  • Assist with the timely delivery of victim input to institutional corrections and paroling authorities.
  • Assist with parole notification of an inmate’s change of status within the Department of Criminal Justice.
  • Arrange for advocacy for victims at parole hearings.
  • Provide appellate notification to victims.
For a complete list of Victims’ Rights in Texas you can click on this link from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

About the Authors

Written by:

Amy Smith, Senior Director of Communications and Operations for HCDVCC


Colleen Jordan, Assistant Director for the HCDA Victim Services Division

Children DVAM Sexual Assault

April – SAAM & CAPM

Each April we take time to pause and reflect on Sexual Assault and Child Abuse. Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month include many events that are meant to raise awareness about Sexual Assault and to talk about preventing Child Abuse. Teal and blue ribbons are worn, tied to trees and fences to remind people that we need to address both serious issues. While we in the field are aware of the significance of this month, many in the community are not. Most people think of sexual assault as it only happens to other people, or it can’t ever happen to me because I do not do anything that can “cause” it to happen to me.

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) defines sexual assault as any type of unwanted sexual contact. This includes words and actions of a sexual nature against a person’s will and without their consent. For example, if someone forces you to kiss them or touches you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or fearful, this is sexual assault. It’s important to note that it doesn’t have to be physical—any kind of verbal pressure for sex or even just suggesting sex without consent is also considered sexual assault. Also worth mentioning is never pressure children to hug an adult, to keep any type of secrets, and make sure they understand the difference between good touches and places they should not be touched.

Survivors need access to emotional and practical support to heal from their trauma. Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) and local organizations provide 24/7 hotline services with trained professionals who can discuss options with survivors and offer advice on how they can move forward after an experience with sexual violence. Our local agencies also offer support groups where survivors can talk with one another in a safe space. These spaces provide a sense of community and understanding that can be healing for those affected by this crime.

In addition to supporting survivors, it’s important for everyone to educate themselves about the signs of potential abuse so that they can intervene when necessary. Education around healthy relationships is key in preventing future instances of sexual violence from occurring. Teaching young people about consent and mutual respect early on will help set them up for success later in life. Especially, if they find themselves in a potentially dangerous situation that could escalate into something more serious.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month serve as an important reminder that we all need to do our part in combating this pervasive problem by supporting victims, educating ourselves on prevention measures, and working towards creating a culture where everyone feels safe and always respected. Be sure to check out the NSVRC and RAINN’s websites if you or someone you know needs help dealing with matters related to sexual assault or abuse. For more information on Child Abuse you can visit Child Help National Child Abuse hotline. Together we can create positive change!

Womens History Month


As we are in full March mode, I am reflecting on the herstory of women in the domestic violence field. I was asked to write something for Women’s History Month, and all that comes to mind is an overwhelming sense of gratitude and the inability to find the words to truly express this. There have been so many women who have guided and mentored me, worked with me and beside me, offered training and education to me, and accepted and loved me. To name them all would take many, many pages. I have much love, admiration, and respect for them all, and they are my HERSTORY. With the opening of the first domestic violence shelter in 1970 by Erin Pizzey (author of Scream Quietly or the Neighbors will Hear, 1974), a movement started and took shape with shelters opening across the county including right here in our community. It is this movement that gave me my first true career and life passion. I have much to be thankful for – and much to be saddened by in that this same work also gave me greater awareness of the incredible suffering and loss that persists for so many women. I know that that this movement took root far sooner than 1970 with women helping women, giving them support, offering a temporary sofa or room in their house to get away for a period of time, offering money to help, and an ear to just listen. This is what women do – support one another and problem solve – and… do all the activities of managing their own families and lives. Let us not forget the power we each have in developing relationships with one another, for this is where change occurs – in positive, respectful relationships with one another. The movement is now professional – and – the work can still be personal. Thank you to all those who have sacrificed and suffered to ensure that women can become safer. Thank you to all those that have been a part of this never-ending work. Women are AMAZING! We are bold, brilliant, beautiful, benevolent, brave, and frankly – BAD ASS!! I admire each and every woman who has come before us to build a better world, and I thank each and every woman who has been courageous enough to share their lives with those of us in the domestic violence movement – we are all in this together and we are better for it. I celebrate you all.


About the Author

Executive Director of HCDVCC,

Barbie Brashear


Wrap Up of March

The Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council is a domestic violence agency, and as such, part of our mission is to raise awareness about domestic violence and its impact on individuals and communities. This month, we have covered several important topics that are relevant to our mission. These topics included the difference between strangulation and choking, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and Women’s History Month.

Knowing the difference between strangulation and choking, is especially important to highlight because it is a common form of violence that often goes unnoticed or minimized. Most people use the terms interchangeable, but strangulation is a serious form of violence that can cause long-term physical and psychological harm, including brain damage and breathing difficulties. It is also one of the leading predictors of lethality in a relationship. By educating the public about the differences between strangulation and choking and the associated risks, we hope to raise awareness about this often-overlooked but commonly used form of violence and encourage survivors to seek help and support.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common consequence of domestic violence. Survivors of domestic violence may experience repeated blows to the head from a perpetrator or repeatedly having their head smashed against something. Both can cause brain damage, memory loss, and other long-term health problems. By raising awareness about the link between domestic violence and traumatic brain injury, we hope to encourage survivors to seek medical attention and support. We also hope this will help to promote policies and programs that address this issue.

Finally, this month is Women’s History Month, which is a time to celebrate the achievements of women and recognize the challenges they face, including domestic violence. We know that domestic violence disproportionately affects women, and we are committed to raising awareness about this issue and advocating for practices that support survivors and promote gender equality.

By addressing these important topics, we hope to educate the public about the impact of domestic violence on our community and encourage survivors to seek assistance. We also hope to promote policies and procedures that address the root causes of domestic violence and promote healthy, respectful relationships. As we continue our work, we remain committed to raising awareness about domestic violence and promoting a society that values safety, respect, and equality for all.
Press Release


Media Contact:
Amy Smith


March 16th, 2023


(Harris County, TX) – March 17, 2023 — Judge Lina Hidalgo and Harris County Commissioners made a historic commitment to fund agencies who are serving families suffering the trauma of domestic violence with the award of $4.7 million to the Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council.  Last week marked the second anniversary of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) being signed into law.  This law has created the opportunity to provide critical and life-saving funding to those experiencing the trauma of domestic violence, and the law paved the way for Harris County to be able to dedicate funds specifically for Domestic Violence.  

“Domestic Violence is connected to a third of the homicides in Harris County. The Domestic Violence Assistance Fund’s combination of flexible wraparound services to assist survivors in combination with targeted interventions by the High Risk Team has been proven to make a difference. We’re thrilled to partner with HCDVCC and these twenty nonprofits to help keep families safe,” said Leah Barton, Harris County’s Director of Strategic Initiatives.

With this award, the Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (HCDVCC) created a process to grant 20 community organizations this much-needed critical capital.  These flexible funds will serve more than 3,000 families with over 6,600 individuals. Flexible funding means people can receive direct financial assistance to support their immediate needs such as rental and utility assistance, safe hotel stays, moving assistance, car repairs, basic needs, childcare, mental health services, and legal services.

HCDVCC is honored to partner with the following 20 agencies that are recipients of the Domestic Violence Assistance Funds:

Organization Award
Northwest Assistance Ministries
Fort Bend Women’s Center
Katy Christian Ministries
The Landing
Family Ties
Families to Freedom
Galveston-Houston Immigration Representation Project
An Nisa Hope Center
Justice for all Immigrants
Bay Area Turning Point
Houston Area Women’s Center
Bethel’s Family Center
Asians Against Domestic Abuse
Catholic Charities
Fresh Spirit Wellness, Inc
The Bridge Over Troubled Waters

A recent study (https://www.hcdvcc.org/resourcematerials/)  conducted by Dr. Leila Wood from the Center for Violence Prevention at The University of Texas Medical Branch found that not only did domestic violence increase because of the pandemic, but also it increased in severity.  Additionally, mental health needs increased, and access to services and support systems has decreased.  These results directly support the need for this critical funding to remain available to families.  Other recommendations from the report include:

  • Prioritize cash assistance and housing vouchers,
  • Continuously offer free and/or affordable childcare for work, school, and health respite,
  • Center racial justice in domestic violence and sexual assault work,
  • Invest in health and mental health,
  • Increase service access by enhancing domestic violence and sexual assault agency capacity,
  • Use technology to increase access to community support and criminal justice remedies.

Harris County’s investment in the Domestic Violence Assistance Fund will ensure that these recommendations can be implemented and increase access to safety and services for those suffering from the trauma of domestic violence. 

To Download the Press Release click on the image below.
To learn more about the partner agencies, click the image below.
Children Community Share Op-eds

Texas Advocacy Project

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My name is Aarian Tipton. I am one of 3 licensed masters social workers with Texas Advocacy Project.

TAP provides free legal services and access to the justice system, and advances prevention through public outreach and education. We provide holistic trauma-responsive care in collaboration with the legal team. Our services aim to reduce barriers to legal services and provide pathways to improve long-term stability. Social workers are typically consulted after a survivor has spoken to a staff attorney, and expressed a need-or the staff attorney felt the survivor indicated they were in a high-risk situation.
A typical day for the social worker can look like speaking with a survivor about various safety concerns, stress, assessing mental health concerns, and providing various community resources. However, no day is the same and other challenges may arise. When survivors’ basic needs (shelter, food, mental health, ect.) are addressed, they are more likely to have improved engagement as well as improved legal outcomes. In addition to the case management/crisis management intervention we provide to survivors.

We have developed community partnerships such as with HCDVCC and UAHT, provide staff education and trainings, and provide internships for students. We currently have 3 interns. We provide services all over the state of Texas. Our website is: https://www.texasadvocacyproject.org/ we look forward to connecting with more organizations and survivors as it is our vision that all Texans live free from abuse.
Capital Day Community Share Op-eds

Capital Day Wrap Up

Texas State Capital Building with a purple ribbon and the words Captial Day Wrap Up

On February 16th I attended Capitol Day in Austin with over a hundred advocates across the state of Texas. This is probably my 7th Capitol Day and yet it was like the first time, because this year I got to see it through the eyes of the women who have survived and are now thriving in the aftermath of domestic violence. The Voices of Freedom, the Ambassador group of the Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council, traveled to Austin to share their stories and provide education to our Representatives on the importance of funding and policy that will enhance the safety for all Texas survivors of domestic violence. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be sharing our Ambassadors’ experience in their own words.

Here is Lereca’s experience…

On February 16th with my heart racing and frostbitten fingers and toes, while wearing a beanie and a neck scarf, in partnership with hundreds of diverse voices- who shared a life-altering experience and dressed in hues of teal or purple, as one collective voice, we boldly marched towards that place in Austin, TX -the building in which many funding decisions are made for millions of Texans. We were at Capitol. We were at Capitol Day in partnership with TAASA & TCFV- this specific day was set aside for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.

See, a few minutes earlier the collective group gathered down the street for a legislative briefing to prepare us for the conversation we’d be having with the legislators and yes, I felt prepared.

I felt prepared and powered to talk about the Texas Stalking Statues. As a survivor of stalking, I felt compelled to share how I felt unprotected by the current statutes as is and how I believe my life was in danger- and it was because my stalker eventually strangled me. I will never forget when one of the legislators connected my story with their story. In the moment of sharing, this person could empathize with how it feels to be stalked. The stalking experience is terrifying. As a survivor, you often wonder if the stalker will ever be stopped. Well here’s what I know, I left the legislator’s office that day knowing that they’d feel equipped with an understanding of why the State of Texas should strengthen its stalking laws.

My experience at the capitol underscores how the value and impact of sharing my survival story coupled with data are necessary to inspire and invoke change in the domestic violence space. Thank you HCDVC for creating this moment and opportunity!