PO Court

What is Protective Order Court?

As the Protective Court Mobile Advocate for HCDVCC, I provide support to the 280th Court.  This Court is a specific civil district court in Harris County that oversees protective orders.   It is located within the Harris County Juvenile Justice Center, 1200 Congress, in downtown Houston on the 1st floor. The Honorable Damiane Dianne Curvey is the presiding judge. 

Protective orders are civil legal lawsuits that restrict proximity to a home, work, school and prohibit certain behaviors like abuse, harassment and/or stalking of a survivor.  If the order is violated, the person can be arrested. 

To get a protective order, a survivor/applicant must have experienced family violence.  Family violence can be classified as physical assault, sexual assault, threats (with the intent to cause harm), harassment, and/or stalking. 

These orders are often seen as valuable tools in helping to establish boundaries and safety when ending an abusive relationship, however, applying for one and going to court can be a very stressful process.

Thankfully, there are several wonderful agencies that can help someone get a protective order free of charge.  The Harris County District Attorney’s Office’s Domestic Violence Division Protective Orders – Harris County District Attorney – Office of the District Attorney as well as Aid to Victims of Abuse are two local agencies who survivors can contact to apply for an order.    

Once a protective order is filed, court is a necessary step for the order to be granted and finalized.  To counter the stress an applicant/survivor might feel while in court, I work with survivors/applicants by providing:

  • Emotional support prior, during and/or after testimony. Getting to court, waiting for your case to be heard and/or having to testify can be hard.  My job is to make sure survivors/applicants feel supported during this difficult time.
  • Detailed safety planning that is tailored to the needs of that individual applicant. This planning can include an analysis of areas of vulnerabilities in the home, at work, with children or in the community, education about additional protective tools that may enhance safety like SMART 911, VINE or security cameras, and a discussion of plans of action if someone violates the protective order.  My biggest goal with a survivor/applicant is to discuss ways she/he/they can effectively use their protective order to help them be safer as they take their steps to a healthier existence.
  • Providing applicants education of the protective order process and court proceedings and what to expect while they are waiting in court. This also includes helping survivors/applicants who are representing themselves in court by ensuring they have the appropriate copies and paperwork, or if they have an attorney, educating the survivor and attorney on possible safety apps for correspondence if children are involved.
  • Providing applicants with community resources such as Crime Victims Compensation, Address Confidentiality Program, AVDA for divorce and custody issues, as well as information on other domestic violence agencies and resources within their area that can provide additional emotional support and advocacy.

Taking the steps to getting a protective order can be hard if you are not familiar with the legal process, however, know there are agencies and people who are available along the way to help in providing education, guidance and support.  It is always important to remember you are not alone. 

For more information about the 280th Court and protective orders, please visit the Court’s website at Justex.

Fanesha Washington

HCDVCC’s Protective Order Court Adovcate

Community Community Share

Hispanic Roundtable – A Reflection

Photo of people who attended the HCDVCC Roundtable

Reflecting on HCDVCC’s Inaugural Hispanic Roundtable: Staff Perspectives


HCDVCC hosted the second in a series of Roundtable discussions aimed at specific communities.  The Coordinated Community Response in the Hispanic Community Roundtable was held on September 19th at the United Way with almost 50 people in attendance.  Below is a summary of the event by Daniana Trigoso-Kukulski, one of the DVCC Case Managers.

English Version   |   Spanish Version

I am pleased to share the success of our meeting with the Hispanic community in the past  week as part of the Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinator Council. The gathering was not only impactful but also opened up a wealth of new opportunities to strengthen our initiatives in addressing domestic violence in underserved populations.

The discussions were rich with personal experience and insights that will help guide our future work. We were able to highlight key initiatives such as early intervention programs for immigrant and refugee families, trauma-informed care for children exposed to domestic violence, and culturally sensitive support services. The community’s engagement demonstrated their readiness to collaborate and support these efforts, creating a strong foundation for continued partnership.

Moving forward, we’ve identified several new opportunities for collaboration, including potential community workshops, outreach campaigns, and expanded mental health services tailored to the unique needs of the Hispanic population. These initiatives will help ensure that survivors receive the culturally appropriate care they need and that we are actively promoting education and prevention within the community.

We look forward to working closely with all of you as we take the next steps in advancing these important efforts and making a lasting difference in Harris County.

Spanish version:

Me complace compartir el éxito de nuestra reunión con la comunidad hispana la semana pasada como parte del Consejo de Coordinadores de Violencia Doméstica del Condado de Harris. La reunión no solo fue impactante, sino que también abrió una gran cantidad de nuevas oportunidades para fortalecer nuestras iniciativas para abordar la violencia doméstica en poblaciones desatendidas.

Las discusiones fueron ricas en experiencias y perspectivas personales que ayudarán a guiar nuestro trabajo futuro. Pudimos destacar iniciativas clave como programas de intervención temprana para familias inmigrantes y refugiadas, atención informada sobre el trauma para niños expuestos a la violencia doméstica y servicios de apoyo culturalmente sensibles. La participación de la comunidad demostró su disposición a colaborar y apoyar estos esfuerzos, creando una base sólida para una asociación continua.

En el futuro, hemos identificado varias nuevas oportunidades de colaboración, incluidos posibles talleres comunitarios, campañas de divulgación y servicios de salud mental ampliados adaptados a las necesidades únicas de la población hispana. Estas iniciativas ayudarán a garantizar que los sobrevivientes reciban la atención culturalmente apropiada que necesitan y que estemos promoviendo activamente la educación y la prevención dentro de la comunidad.

Espero trabajar estrechamente con todos ustedes a medida que damos los próximos pasos para avanzar en estos importantes esfuerzos y marcar una diferencia duradera en el condado de Harris.

Community DVAM Sexual Assault

Domestic Violence Awareness Month – A Time for Action and Reflection

Domestic Violence Awareness Month A Time for Action and Reflection. Image is mostly purple with a white heart and a purple ribbon for DVAM

October marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), a time to focus on one of the most pervasive issues facing communities across the globe. While domestic violence occurs year-round, this month offers an opportunity for concentrated efforts to raise awareness, honor victims, and mobilize communities toward change. Domestic violence affects individuals regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or socioeconomic status, and understanding its impact—especially within local contexts like Harris County—reveals the urgency for both preventive measures and survivor support.

Why Domestic Violence Awareness Month Matters

DVAM began as a way to shed light on the struggles of survivors and create a platform for discussing solutions. Domestic violence is not just physical; it encompasses emotional, psychological, and financial abuse. The month aims to create a dialogue where survivors feel supported, and the broader community is educated on identifying abuse and providing help.

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience physical violence by an intimate partner during their lifetime. While these statistics are alarming on a national scale, they take on a more poignant meaning when viewed locally. In Harris County, the rise in intimate partner violence homicides and shelter requests underscores the critical nature of this issue.

Domestic Violence in Harris County: A Stark Reality

The Houston area has seen a concerning rise in domestic violence, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. A University of Houston study revealed that intimate partner homicides in the region doubled over a three-year period, with 64 deaths in 2022 compared to 32 in 2019. The pandemic further exacerbated the crisis, with victims finding it harder to seek shelter or leave abusive situations due to lockdowns and fear of contracting COVID-19.

Shelters in Harris County are also under tremendous strain. Despite a growing need, the county only has 330 shelter beds for survivors, while a city like New York, which has twice the population, offers over 3,500 beds. The lack of sufficient housing is a critical barrier to leaving abusive relationships. In 2022, more than 1,300 households in Harris County requested housing due to domestic violence, showing the demand far outstrips the available resources.

Moreover, the demographics of intimate partner violence in the county reveal disparities. While women are the majority of victims, Black women represent 52% of female intimate partner homicides, though they account for only 20% of the female population. These figures show a troubling overrepresentation of violence against Black women, which requires specific community engagement and tailored solutions.

Raising Awareness and Mobilizing Support

DVAM is more than just a time to raise awareness; it’s a call to action. Local organizations, including the Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (HCDVCC), work tirelessly year-round to support survivors and prevent violence, but they need community engagement to effect lasting change. HCDVCC leads efforts such as increasing access to shelter, housing, and comprehensive survivor services, but like many organizations, they remain underfunded. The University of Houston’s report recommended a $1 million per year investment in domestic violence services over five years to address these gaps.

One of the key messages during DVAM is the importance of understanding the signs of abuse. Domestic violence often starts subtly, with emotional manipulation or financial control, before escalating into physical violence. Recognizing these signs early can prevent abuse from worsening. Community members can play a vital role as active bystanders—offering support to those in need and providing resources like hotline numbers or shelter information.

The Ripple Effect of Domestic Violence

The impact of domestic violence extends beyond the immediate victim. Children exposed to domestic violence are more likely to experience emotional trauma, which can have long-term psychological effects, including anxiety, depression, and even perpetuating the cycle of abuse as adults. Economic abuse is also prevalent, with many victims trapped in financially dependent relationships that make leaving even more challenging.

These ripple effects mean that domestic violence is not just a personal issue—it’s a public health crisis. Supporting victims through affordable housing, legal advocacy, and mental health services is critical. Harris County’s public health initiatives, in collaboration with local agencies, aim to address these intersections of violence and public health by promoting equity and providing resources to underserved populations.

How You Can Help

Domestic Violence Awareness Month offers numerous opportunities to get involved and support survivors. Here are some ways you can make a difference:

  • Educate Yourself: Understanding the signs of domestic violence and how to provide support is the first step. Attend local workshops or virtual training sessions on recognizing abuse.
  • Volunteer or Donate: Local shelters and organizations often rely on donations and volunteer work. Whether it’s your time or financial contributions, every bit helps.
  • Speak Up: If you suspect someone is experiencing domestic violence, reach out to them in a non-judgmental way. Let them know they are not alone and provide them with resources such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-SAFE).
  • Advocate for Policy Change: Local and national policies play a significant role in how survivors are supported and how perpetrators are held accountable. Advocacy at the local level can lead to better funding for shelters and legal services.

Moving Beyond Awareness

As we recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month, it’s important to remember that this issue doesn’t go away when October ends. For many survivors, every day is a fight for safety and healing. Community members, local organizations, and policymakers must continue working toward solutions that address the root causes of domestic violence and provide the necessary support systems for survivors.

The path forward involves acknowledging the complex nature of domestic violence—addressing not only the physical harm but also the emotional, financial, and psychological abuse that often go unnoticed. Together, we can create a safer community where everyone has access to healthy, violence-free relationships.

By promoting awareness, offering support, and fostering community-wide engagement, Domestic Violence Awareness Month can be a catalyst for change. However, the work must continue year-round to ensure that survivors receive the support they need, and future violence is prevented.

Community Share Crime Victims

Commissioners Court

Greetings Advocates, Survivors, Stakeholders, & Community Members!

We have an ACTION ALERT we would like to share!  We would love for you to join us in speaking and/or showing up at Commissioner’s Court on Tuesday September 10 in support of the budget to continue Domestic Violence Assistance Funds.

We are thrilled that Harris County is recognizing the value of this important fund for survivors, and we are beyond grateful that Commissioners are considering the continuation of this assistance.  This is exciting news for our county, and we need YOUR HELP to make sure we voice our support for this fund!

If you’ve never provided public comment to Commissioners Court on an issue before, never fear!  Here are some important things to consider when signing up and in using your voice/making your statement:

Comments are restricted to 1 minute, so it’s helpful to write out what you’d like to say beforehand to ensure you adhere to the time given.  Public comment is generally provided at the beginning of the session, and registered names are called one at a time.

  • The Meeting Location – Commissioners Court meetings are held in-person at:  1001 Preston, 1st Floor, Houston, TX 77002 and meetings start at 10:00 am.  We hope to have quite a few folks sign up to speak, so please be prepared to stay for a while.  And even if you don’t feel comfortable providing comment, showing up will also be important!  We’d love for folks to fill the room – especially dressed in purple  to show our support.  Never discount the visual of a room full of people who took time out of their busy schedules and day to make sure their elected official sees and/or hears from them.  There is power in that!
  • What to Say – if you don’t know your Commissioner, you can find out by looking at the precinct maps here – Harris County Commissioner Court Precincts (

If you live in Harris County, it would be great to state who your Commissioner is as you begin your comments.  An example of this could go as follows:

Hello.  My name is ____________, and I live in Pct. ____________.  I am here today to voice my support for the Domestic Violence Assistance Funds because_____________________.

If you don’t live in Harris County, no worries!  Your comments will still be important because you WORK and/or provide service to survivors in Harris County.  So, an example of your statement could go as follows:

Hello.  My name is ____________, and I work for Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council.  I am here to voice my support for the Domestic Violence Assistance Funds because______________.

And the because will be important!  AND there is so much to say here that will be valuable!  For instance – If you have a specific story of a survivor you’d like to share (with the survivor’s permission), please do.  If you want to share how these funds made you feel in being able to do your work, please do!  If you want to talk about how proud you are of our county in recognizing the need for this additional support and really listening to what is working for our area, please do!  If you want to give a history lesson of how dv/ipv has been a longstanding epidemic in our community that has been under resourced and under funded for a very long time, please do!  The sky is the limit on what you could say and share!  And remember – first rule of advocacy especially in an area that you know so well – YOU ARE THE EXPERT ON THIS! Don’t let their position or “status” make you feel like you don’t know what you are talking about or that what you say isn’t valuable.


Community IPV and LGBTQIA Pride Month

Domestic Violence in the LGBTQIA Community: A Hidden Crisis 

June is Pride Month, a time to celebrate the diversity and resilience of the LGBTQIA community. However, it is also an important moment to acknowledge and address the significant challenges faced by this community, including domestic violence. Understanding the unique dynamics and statistics surrounding intimate partner violence (IPV) in the LGBTQIA community is crucial for effective prevention and support. 

 Statistics and Trends 

Domestic violence in the LGBTQIA community is a pervasive issue that often goes underreported and underacknowledged. Nationally, research shows that 43.8% of lesbian women and 61.1% of bisexual women have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner at some point in their lives. For gay and bisexual men, the rates are 26% and 37.3%, respectively. These rates are significantly higher than those reported by heterosexual individuals, indicating a troubling disparity. 

 In Houston and Harris County, Texas, the situation reflects broader national trends. Domestic violence homicides have increased sharply in recent years, with intimate partner violence homicides in the area doubling from 32 in 2019 to 64 in 2022. The increase in calls to shelters and domestic violence hotlines also highlights the growing need for resources and support for victims in the region. 

Why It Happens 

Several factors contribute to the high rates of domestic violence in the LGBTQIA community: 


  • Stigma and Discrimination: LGBTQIA individuals often face societal stigma and discrimination, which can isolate them and make it harder to seek help. 
  • Lack of Support Services: Many domestic violence services are not equipped to handle the unique needs of LGBTQIA individuals, leading to a lack of accessible and appropriate resources. 
  • Internalized Homophobia/Biphobia/Transphobia: Internalized negative beliefs about one’s own LGBTQIA identity can contribute to staying in an abusive relationship. 
  • Outing as a Threat: Abusers may threaten to “out” their partners to family, friends, or employers as a form of control. 

Who Is More Frequently Affected 

Certain groups within the LGBTQIA community are more vulnerable to domestic violence: 


  1. Transgender Individuals: Transgender people, particularly transgender women of color, experience disproportionately high rates of violence and homicide. 
  1. Bisexual Individuals: Bisexual individuals often face abuse from both same-sex and different-sex partners. 
  1. Youth: LGBTQIA youth are at higher risk of experiencing dating violence, often compounded by lack of family support. 

Tips for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence 

  • Reach Out for Help: Contact local LGBTQIA-friendly domestic violence organizations and hotlines. In Houston, the Montrose Center provides specialized services for LGBTQIA individuals facing domestic violence. 
  • Create a Safety Plan: Develop a plan that includes safe places to go, people you can call, and important items to take if you need to leave an abusive situation quickly. 
  • Document the Abuse: Keep a record of incidents, including dates, times, and descriptions of the abuse. This can be useful for legal action or obtaining protective orders. 
  • Seek Legal Protection: Obtain a protective order if necessary. Legal services are available to help navigate this process. 
  • Therapy and Support Groups: Engage in therapy or support groups that cater to LGBTQIA individuals to receive emotional support and validation. 

Addressing domestic violence in the LGBTQIA community requires a multifaceted approach that includes increasing awareness, improving access to resources, and fostering an environment where victims feel safe and supported to seek help. During Pride Month, and beyond, it is essential to continue advocating for the rights and safety of all individuals within the LGBTQIA community. 

For more information on resources and support in the Houston area, you can visit the Montrose Center’s website. 

Community Share Legacies Mental Health Awareness Month

Journey 2 Advocacy…

May is Share Your Story Month and Mental Health Awareness Month.   Combining those two topics we sent out a survey to our staff  with the following questions: 

1) What initially drew you to the field of non profit?

2) What motivated you to specialize in domestic violence issues specifically?

3) How do you maintain self-care and resilience while working in such a demanding and emotionally taxing field?

4) Is there anything else you’d like to share about your journey, your motivations, or your experiences in this field?

Here are their stories.

1) “The mission! The end goal of what I do has to be meaningful in that at the end of the day, I have been able to help someone in need, in my own small way.”

2) “Too many vulnerable people who are unaware there is help for them, so they are able to save themselves and escape their suffering.”

3) “Exercise, spending a lot of time outdoors in nature, and surrounding myself with my family and friends.”

4) “The learning curve is steep and challenging but extremely rewarding and fulfilling.”
1)”I was drawn to the field of nonprofit after I started to volunteer at M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital. when I was 14 years old.”

2) “My older sister was in a very bad Domestic Violence relationship that almost took her life. I wanted to understand why she allowed someone to treat her so poorly. When I went to the University of Houston I graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in Inner Disciplinary studies. That started my career in helping make a difference in the lives of survivors.”

3) “I make sure that I take time to do something that makes me smile every day. Music has always been therapy for my soul.”

4) “I have learned a lot about healthy relationships and that saying “no” is not a bad thing it’s a way to set healthy boundaries.”
1) “The belief that the focus of work is not for a financial profit, rather for the profit of impacting and assist with changing people’s lives.”

2) “Advocacy in domestic violence issues allows my loud voice to be heard for all victims that was silenced.”

3) “Daily I ground myself through prayer, meditation, singing, dancing, exercise, breathing, gratitude, and hugging on the little people that call me mom and grandma!”

4) “This journey called life was and is not easy, yet it feels like a walk in the park, and I am grateful to be here.”
1) “Domestic Violence brought me to the non-profit world.”

2) “Survival and my children.”

3) “Praying and not giving up.”

4) “I was able to get out the abusive relationship and lived through it all.”

1) “I’m passionate about making a positive impact in the world and believe in the power of collective action to address social issues and create positive change. I’m also inspired by the opportunity to work towards a cause that aligns with my values and allows me to contribute to the greater good of society.”

2) “I was designed to have a understanding of various social and provide support and information on how to address them. Domestic violence is a serious problem that affects many people, and I want be able to provide accurate and helpful information to those who may be experiencing or know who is experiencing domestic violence. It’s important to raise awareness and support survivors in any way we can.”

3) “Self-care is extremely important when working in a demanding and emotionally taxing field like supporting survivors of domestic violence. It’s important to take breaks when needed, set boundaries, and practice self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and spending time loved ones. It’s also helpful to seek support from colleagues, supervisors, or a therapist to process difficult emotions and experiences. I try to remember to prioritize my own well-being so i can continue to others effectively.”

4) “I am programmed to provide accurate and helpful information on various topics, including domestic violence. My main motivation is to assist and support individuals who may be experiencing such difficult situations. It is important to raise awareness about domestic violence and provide for those in need.”

1) “I love giving back to others. I think that it is important to all the communities.”

2) “My past experiences-first my mom’s ex and then my ex. This industry is the most overlooked and most misunderstood.”

3) “I practice self-care by spending time with family and friends, watching documentaries on TV, working out, and playing video/board games.”

1) “The ability to learn community, work on the front lines to assist individuals and families in time of need. Hear the stories that probably no one has heard before or didn’t want to hear.”

2) “Domestic violence is a personal story of mine, being a child that survived the violence at home created many barriers during my childhood, teen years and as a young adult. The trauma has followed me through the years. I have not only heard stories of DV survivors I am a survivor of such crime: no child should ever have to live through such pain.”

3) “GOD is the only one who has taught me how to heal and forgive. I believe individuals have the opportunity to learn how to be better to themselves and to others. The journey might be a long road, but it will lead you to where you need to be to feel complete.”

4) “I maintain self- care by seeing things grow (I am not a gardener by no means) but enjoy seeing plants grow. I share my life with my loved ones. Nature nurtures my soul and spirit all living things bring me joy. I love! love, love! to hear from past clients (now friends) that have kept my contact number. Some still keep in contact with me, I now hear a different story, stories of happiness, stories of success, stories of growth, stories of triumph. We now share tears of joy. That is my MOTIVATION seeing, hearing people becoming, a change, sharing a different story to tell others.”

1) “My journey to advocacy began with the mission of DVCC not necessarily that it was a non-profit.”

2) “My passion for domestic violence advocacy work started when I realized there are a lot of survivors but not a whole lot of quality services. Everyone deserves to live a violence free life and I want to make sure that kids that grow up in that environment don’t have to continue the cycle of abuse.”

3) “I maintain my mental health through spending time with friends who are not in the movement to take a break but the most important thing is cuddling with my dog!”

4) “My final thoughts on motivation and experiences are setting boundaries, knowing your limits and knowing when to take a break are the only things that get you through working in this high stress environment. “

1) “My journey to advocacy began with my passion for bringing about positive change and making a real difference by addressing social issues attracted me to the nonprofit field. My work is a legacy, as I know my efforts can have a lasting impact beyond my lifetime. It gives me immense satisfaction to know that I am contributing to something greater than myself and leaving a positive legacy for future generations.”

2) “My passion for domestic violence advocacy work started when entering a women’s domestic violence shelter and realizing I was the only male present was a turning point for me. Understanding the statistics surrounding domestic violence, I realized the crucial role men play in both perpetuating and addressing this issue. As a husband, father, and brother, I am inspired to challenge myself and others to become involved and specialize in domestic violence issues. By breaking stereotypes, dismantling patriarchy, promoting healthy relationships, and building empathy and compassion, men can make a significant contribution to eradicating domestic violence.”

3) “I maintain my mental health is practicing self-care and resilience is by knowing my limits and understanding that I can only control what I can control.”

4) “Making someone feel visible will increase their perceived value of you. It’s a powerful lesson I learned on my own journey, and I’ve found that it can make a huge difference in any personal or professional relationship. “

Black History Month Op-eds

Anti-Racism Policy

BIPOC Subcommittee Anti-Racism Policy

Racial Equity

The BIPOC subcommittee of the Domestic Violence Steering Committee of the greater Harris County area collaboration, supports the development of policy to combat racism and its effects. The subcommittee recognizes that the issue is a threat to the viability and health of staff, volunteers, and those we serve. Racism often manifests itself systemically, culturally, and interpersonally. The subcommittee is committed to engaging in actions that break down the walls of racial inequality. We strive for an environment where those we serve do not experience the barriers of racism. We further strive for all staff of partners within this collaborative to feel included, heard, and valued without the barriers of racism. Actions the subcommittee is proposing include but are not limited to:

1. Racial Equity Workgroup – The Racial Equity Workgroup is comprised of select subcommittee members from agencies across the Greater Houston Area. The purpose of the workgroup is to address the systemic, cultural, and interpersonal issues of racism, to make recommendations to the Steering Committee regarding partner agencies policy, and to establish best practice recommendations for the collaborative.

2. Host Partner Agency Conversations – The subcommittee is committed to offering strategic meetings where the partner agency teams are encouraged to share issues they are facing. The effort will include a cost sharing program where partner agency staff can anonymously report incidents of racism so this information is tracked and opportunities for accountability and change occurs.

3. Training – The subcommittee is seeking viable training for partner agencies’ staff as needed to include proposing a select microaggression video as part of the onboarding process of all partner agencies.

4. Evaluate Internal Practices – The subcommittee is committed to continually evaluating internal policies and procedures to ensure a consistent eye is on racial equality in all aspects of the collaborative.

The BIPOC subcommittee recommends that each member organization of HCDVCC include the following language in their DEI policies regarding equity vs equality:

While the terms equity and equality may sound similar, the implementation of one versus the other can lead to dramatically different outcomes for marginalized people.

Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. Therefore, racial equity recognizes and acknowledges the oppression and subjugation of racial minorities and strives to achieve fairness depending on current status and need. Racial equity is intentional and provides the resources and opportunities needed for BIPOC staff so they can reach an equal outcome to their white counterparts.

In addition, ORGANIZATION NAME prioritizes racial equity for Black and Indigenous staff first due to their being the recipients of the most severe and ongoing oppression and thus discrimination and maltreatment.

“The route to achieving equity will not be accomplished through treating everyone equally. It will be achieved by treating everyone justly according to their circumstances.”
—Paula Dressel, Race Matters Institute 1

Stalking Awareness Month Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Bridging the Gap Between Stalking Awareness and Teen Dating Violence Prevention

As we bid farewell to January, which is Stalking Awareness Month, we turn our attention to February, designated as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. While these two observances may seem distinct, they share a vital common thread – the urgent need to protect individuals, particularly young people, from abusive relationships and ensure their safety. In this article, we explore how Domestic Violence (DV) agencies, such as HCDVCC, work tirelessly to address both issues and the significance of these awareness months occurring consecutively. 

Stalking Awareness Month: 

Stalking Awareness Month in January serves as a critical reminder of the prevalence and severity of stalking, a pervasive form of harassment that affects millions of individuals each year. Stalking can take various forms, from online harassment to intrusive physical surveillance, causing profound distress and fear for victims. DV agencies play a crucial role during this month by raising awareness about stalking, providing resources for victims, and advocating for legal protections against stalking behaviors. 

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month: 

February, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, shines a spotlight on the alarming issue of dating violence among teenagers and young adults. Many young people find themselves in abusive relationships characterized by emotional, physical, or psychological abuse. DV agencies are at the forefront of efforts to educate teens about healthy relationships, recognize warning signs, and provide support for those facing dating violence. By dedicating a whole month to this cause, society acknowledges the importance of addressing these issues early on to break the cycle of abuse. 

The Intersection: 

The timing of these awareness months, back-to-back, is not merely a coincidence. It highlights the interconnectedness of stalking and teen dating violence. In many cases, stalking behaviors can escalate within dating relationships, becoming a precursor to more severe forms of abuse. DV agencies understand this dynamic and utilize Stalking Awareness Month as a platform to emphasize the warning signs of potential dating violence within the context of stalking. 

DV agencies often collaborate with schools, youth organizations, and community groups during February to reach teenagers and educate them about the dangers of abusive relationships. By raising awareness about both stalking and teen dating violence, these agencies aim to empower young individuals to recognize unhealthy behaviors and seek help when needed. 

Empowering Youth: 

Empowering young people to recognize, report, and prevent abusive behaviors is central to the mission of DV agencies. By addressing both stalking and teen dating violence, these agencies strive to create a safer environment for youth. Prevention and education programs, workshops, and awareness campaigns are just some of the tools they use to foster healthy relationships and ensure that young individuals have the knowledge and resources to protect themselves. 

The consecutive observance of Stalking Awareness Month and Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month serves as a powerful reminder of the collective commitment to ending abusive behaviors and protecting our youth. Domestic Violence agencies play an indispensable role in addressing these issues and bridging the gap between awareness and action. By working together and leveraging the significance of these awareness months, we can empower young people to build safe, respectful relationships and break the cycle of abuse.