Cut It Out: Stylist Recognizing, Responding and Referring Clients Experiencing Domestic Violence

March 17 @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm CDT

Approximately one in three women and one in nine men will experience domestic violence during their lifetime. Only about thirty-three percent of all survivors of domestic violence will ever contact law enforcement or seek services from a crisis center, which means sixty-seven percent are not accessing help.

The relationship built between stylist (including barbers) is one of mutual trust. Often clients will share intimate details of their life and are open to “advice” from their stylist. Clients are often listening to latest relationship drama from other clients and information is flowing in the salon.

This two hour interactive workshop has been designed for the beauty professional, who is civic minded, and desires to “cut out” domestic violence through providing education and prevention in their salons and barbershops.

Understanding the Intersection of Brain Injury and Intimate Partner Violence: Strategies for Improving Brain Health

April 29 @ 9:00 am 12:00 pm CDT

Join us as Dr. Valera discusses the prevalence of brain injury, and it’s association with cognitive and psychiatric difficulties in women who have experienced intimate partner violence



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12660 Sandpiper Dr.
Houston, Texas 77035 United States
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Texas Council on Family Violence 89th Legislative Agenda

March 26 @ 10:24 am

50 Waugh Street
Houston, TX United States
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Community Share Legacies Mental Health Awareness Month

Journey 2 Advocacy…

May is Share Your Story Month and Mental Health Awareness Month.   Combining those two topics we sent out a survey to our staff  with the following questions: 

1) What initially drew you to the field of non profit?

2) What motivated you to specialize in domestic violence issues specifically?

3) How do you maintain self-care and resilience while working in such a demanding and emotionally taxing field?

4) Is there anything else you’d like to share about your journey, your motivations, or your experiences in this field?

Here are their stories.

1) “The mission! The end goal of what I do has to be meaningful in that at the end of the day, I have been able to help someone in need, in my own small way.”

2) “Too many vulnerable people who are unaware there is help for them, so they are able to save themselves and escape their suffering.”

3) “Exercise, spending a lot of time outdoors in nature, and surrounding myself with my family and friends.”

4) “The learning curve is steep and challenging but extremely rewarding and fulfilling.”
1)”I was drawn to the field of nonprofit after I started to volunteer at M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital. when I was 14 years old.”

2) “My older sister was in a very bad Domestic Violence relationship that almost took her life. I wanted to understand why she allowed someone to treat her so poorly. When I went to the University of Houston I graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in Inner Disciplinary studies. That started my career in helping make a difference in the lives of survivors.”

3) “I make sure that I take time to do something that makes me smile every day. Music has always been therapy for my soul.”

4) “I have learned a lot about healthy relationships and that saying “no” is not a bad thing it’s a way to set healthy boundaries.”
1) “The belief that the focus of work is not for a financial profit, rather for the profit of impacting and assist with changing people’s lives.”

2) “Advocacy in domestic violence issues allows my loud voice to be heard for all victims that was silenced.”

3) “Daily I ground myself through prayer, meditation, singing, dancing, exercise, breathing, gratitude, and hugging on the little people that call me mom and grandma!”

4) “This journey called life was and is not easy, yet it feels like a walk in the park, and I am grateful to be here.”
1) “Domestic Violence brought me to the non-profit world.”

2) “Survival and my children.”

3) “Praying and not giving up.”

4) “I was able to get out the abusive relationship and lived through it all.”

1) “I’m passionate about making a positive impact in the world and believe in the power of collective action to address social issues and create positive change. I’m also inspired by the opportunity to work towards a cause that aligns with my values and allows me to contribute to the greater good of society.”

2) “I was designed to have a understanding of various social and provide support and information on how to address them. Domestic violence is a serious problem that affects many people, and I want be able to provide accurate and helpful information to those who may be experiencing or know who is experiencing domestic violence. It’s important to raise awareness and support survivors in any way we can.”

3) “Self-care is extremely important when working in a demanding and emotionally taxing field like supporting survivors of domestic violence. It’s important to take breaks when needed, set boundaries, and practice self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and spending time loved ones. It’s also helpful to seek support from colleagues, supervisors, or a therapist to process difficult emotions and experiences. I try to remember to prioritize my own well-being so i can continue to others effectively.”

4) “I am programmed to provide accurate and helpful information on various topics, including domestic violence. My main motivation is to assist and support individuals who may be experiencing such difficult situations. It is important to raise awareness about domestic violence and provide for those in need.”

1) “I love giving back to others. I think that it is important to all the communities.”

2) “My past experiences-first my mom’s ex and then my ex. This industry is the most overlooked and most misunderstood.”

3) “I practice self-care by spending time with family and friends, watching documentaries on TV, working out, and playing video/board games.”

1) “The ability to learn community, work on the front lines to assist individuals and families in time of need. Hear the stories that probably no one has heard before or didn’t want to hear.”

2) “Domestic violence is a personal story of mine, being a child that survived the violence at home created many barriers during my childhood, teen years and as a young adult. The trauma has followed me through the years. I have not only heard stories of DV survivors I am a survivor of such crime: no child should ever have to live through such pain.”

3) “GOD is the only one who has taught me how to heal and forgive. I believe individuals have the opportunity to learn how to be better to themselves and to others. The journey might be a long road, but it will lead you to where you need to be to feel complete.”

4) “I maintain self- care by seeing things grow (I am not a gardener by no means) but enjoy seeing plants grow. I share my life with my loved ones. Nature nurtures my soul and spirit all living things bring me joy. I love! love, love! to hear from past clients (now friends) that have kept my contact number. Some still keep in contact with me, I now hear a different story, stories of happiness, stories of success, stories of growth, stories of triumph. We now share tears of joy. That is my MOTIVATION seeing, hearing people becoming, a change, sharing a different story to tell others.”

1) “My journey to advocacy began with the mission of DVCC not necessarily that it was a non-profit.”

2) “My passion for domestic violence advocacy work started when I realized there are a lot of survivors but not a whole lot of quality services. Everyone deserves to live a violence free life and I want to make sure that kids that grow up in that environment don’t have to continue the cycle of abuse.”

3) “I maintain my mental health through spending time with friends who are not in the movement to take a break but the most important thing is cuddling with my dog!”

4) “My final thoughts on motivation and experiences are setting boundaries, knowing your limits and knowing when to take a break are the only things that get you through working in this high stress environment. “

1) “My journey to advocacy began with my passion for bringing about positive change and making a real difference by addressing social issues attracted me to the nonprofit field. My work is a legacy, as I know my efforts can have a lasting impact beyond my lifetime. It gives me immense satisfaction to know that I am contributing to something greater than myself and leaving a positive legacy for future generations.”

2) “My passion for domestic violence advocacy work started when entering a women’s domestic violence shelter and realizing I was the only male present was a turning point for me. Understanding the statistics surrounding domestic violence, I realized the crucial role men play in both perpetuating and addressing this issue. As a husband, father, and brother, I am inspired to challenge myself and others to become involved and specialize in domestic violence issues. By breaking stereotypes, dismantling patriarchy, promoting healthy relationships, and building empathy and compassion, men can make a significant contribution to eradicating domestic violence.”

3) “I maintain my mental health is practicing self-care and resilience is by knowing my limits and understanding that I can only control what I can control.”

4) “Making someone feel visible will increase their perceived value of you. It’s a powerful lesson I learned on my own journey, and I’ve found that it can make a huge difference in any personal or professional relationship. “

Holidays Op-eds

A Vision for 2024- Fostering Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention

Domestic violence is, as you know, a harrowing societal issue that affects countless individuals and families worldwide. As we look ahead to 2024, it is mandatory for us to collectively strive for a future marked by diminished violence within our homes and communities. Domestic Violence Awareness Agencies, community members, and law enforcement all play pivotal roles in this endeavor, working in tandem to raise awareness, improve education, and intervene effectively.

The Power of Active Bystanders

A fundamental aspect of reducing domestic violence lies in the empowerment of community members to become active bystanders. Such individuals are not merely passive witnesses but rather conscientious and courageous individuals willing to take action when they witness potentially abusive situations. The steps toward becoming an active bystander are as follows:

  1. Recognizing the Signs: Education is key; community members must familiarize themselves with the signs of domestic violence. These may include physical injuries, emotional distress, social isolation, or controlling behavior.
  2. Intervening Safely: When encountering an abusive situation, active bystanders should approach it calmly and non-confrontationally, prioritizing the safety of all involved parties. Offering support to the victim and discouraging the abusive behavior are crucial steps.
  3. Seeking Professional Assistance: In situations that may escalate or pose immediate danger, it is essential to call the police or a domestic violence hotline promptly. Timely intervention can be life-saving.
  4. Providing Ongoing Support: Beyond the crisis, active bystanders should offer sustained support to victims. Encouraging them to access local resources such as shelters, support groups, and counseling services can be instrumental in their healing journey.


Speaking Out: The Power of Voices

Silence is an accomplice to domestic violence. Community members must be encouraged to speak out and report abusive behavior when they encounter it. By doing so, they can become agents of change in their communities. This can be accomplished through:

  1. Reporting to Authorities: When witnessing or suspecting domestic violence, individuals should not hesitate to report it to law enforcement. Their information could be the catalyst for protecting a victim and holding the abuser accountable.
  2. Supporting Survivors: Encourage survivors to report abuse and provide unwavering emotional support throughout the process. Assure them that they are not alone in their journey toward justice and healing.

Empowering Law Enforcement Through Education

Law enforcement agencies are crucial players in addressing domestic violence. By enhancing the education and training provided to officers, we can ensure that they respond to these situations with sensitivity, expertise, and empathy. Improvements in this area should encompass:

  1. Specialized Training: Police departments should offer comprehensive, specialized training to officers on how to handle domestic violence cases. This training should encompass understanding the dynamics of abuse, victim advocacy, and de-escalation techniques.
  2. Cultural Competency: In a diverse society, it is paramount that law enforcement officers receive education in cultural sensitivity and diversity. Different communities may have unique needs and barriers when dealing with domestic violence.
  3. Collaboration with Advocacy Organizations: To develop a coordinated response that prioritizes victim safety, law enforcement agencies should work closely with domestic violence awareness agencies and advocacy groups.

Fostering Community Awareness

Building a safer future begins with fostering awareness within our communities. Several strategies can be employed to achieve this:

  1. Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch public awareness campaigns through local media, social media platforms, and community events. These campaigns should educate people about domestic violence, its signs, and the resources available to survivors.
  2. Education in Schools and Workshops: Integrate domestic violence education into school curriculums and community workshops. By teaching young people about healthy relationships and how to recognize abusive behavior, we can shape a future generation equipped to prevent domestic violence.
  3. Accessible Resources: Ensure that the community has easy access to vital resources, such as helplines, shelters, and counseling services. Make this information readily available to those in need.

Reducing domestic violence in 2024 and beyond necessitates a concerted and collective effort. Domestic Violence Awareness Agencies, community members, and law enforcement must collaborate to create a safer environment for everyone. By becoming active bystanders, speaking up against abuse, enhancing law enforcement education, and raising community awareness, we can draw closer to a future characterized by reduced domestic violence and increased support for survivors. Together, we can make a significant difference and ensure that every individual has the right to live free from fear and abuse. Let our shared commitment to this cause pave the way for a brighter, safer tomorrow.

Holidays Op-eds

Time to Reflect and Celebrate

As another year ends, it is time to reflect on the year that was. 2023 what a year! I remember looking forward to such a wonderful year (especially after surviving the chaos of Southwest Airlines!)  But never did I imagine what the world had in store for us. Two major wars raging, not to mention all the smaller conflicts that get little to no media coverage. Political turmoil, poverty, homelessness, hate crimes, and senseless violence throughout our country and the world. We lost many famous people this year (here is hoping you are eating a cheeseburger in paradise Jimmy Buffett and could heaven be any nicer for you Matthew Perry).

While I could fill line after line of all the terrible things that occurred this year I do want to reflect on some really good things:

  • The smile of a random stranger
  • The laugh of a child
  • A really needed hug
  • Cuddles with a pet
  • Supporters/funders who really understand what we need
  • Partners that are willing to work together
  • Watching co-workers blossom
  • Being able to say yes when everyone else has said no
  • The kindness of people
  • The strength and resilience of our clients
  • The strength and resilience of each one of us

I realize 2024 will bring many challenges, some that we know of, and I am sure many more we do not anticipate. But I cannot help but have gratitude for the things above and many more I did not list. I heard a friend say the other day, someone told her they start their day off with three things they are grateful for. So, I challenge you as I am challenging myself, to start your list of resolutions by finding at least one or two things to be grateful for every morning. My hope is that by the end of next year, your gratitude list is longer than just the few same old things each day!

Happy Holidays and cheers to an amazing New Year!

About the Author

Pic of Deputy Director Amy Smith

Senior Director of Operations and Communications at HCDVCC,

Amy Smith

Mental Health Awareness Month Op-eds

Mental Health Awareness Month and IPV

For Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s discuss the connection between people experiencing intimate partner violence and mental illness. Did you know that people who are victim survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) have higher rates of experiencing mental health issues, like PTSD, anxiety, and depression? Some research suggests 3 times more likely. And did you know that people with chronic mental health conditions are at higher risk for experiencing intimate partner violence? Some research has reported that 30-60% of women with mental health diagnoses will experience IPV.

On a personal note, I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, have helped many others through mental health crises, processing trauma, and am as much of an expert as one can be on most things interpersonal violence. I am also a victim survivor of dating violence myself and struggle daily with symptoms of anxiety and depression. It‘s been over 25 years since experiencing abuse, and then I went through therapy, focused on healing, and made a career of helping others, and it still impacts me. I hope this illustrates the power that abuse has over our mental health. Of course, other stressors have popped up over the years, even some traumatic experiences, but this violence I experienced early in life started my brain on the path of trying to constantly remain in survival mode to protect me, and it has never been the same.

We don’t have to be experts on the brain to understand how the brain responds to and is impacted by trauma. The bottom line is that when we experience things that make us feel like our lives are in danger, chemicals flood our brains in response to the threat. The harm does not have to literally be a life or death situation, as long as we are feeling overwhelmed, out of control, and scared. The more we experience this harm, the more challenging it is to get our brains back to functioning like before when we felt safe. This can make life very difficult. These changes can create triggers, impact our memory and executive functioning, tell us not to trust others, make us question everything, and put us in a near constant state of reactivity. Our brains want us to be prepared for trauma if it happens again. This can lead to chronic symptoms of mental illness.

Now that we understand how experiencing abuse can increase our chances of facing mental health challenges, let’s also explore why those already suffering with mental illness are at a higher risk. Unfortunately, many people who suffer with mental illness can struggle with functioning at work, in relationships, carrying out daily household tasks, etc. They can try to cope with symptoms through isolating themselves, disconnecting from their support system, changing jobs and housing often, and can have lower self esteem than those who do not experience these symptoms. A lack of self-worth and a lack of stability and resources can place us in a position of great vulnerability. Vulnerability in a person can be an abuser’s most formidable tool to obtain power and control over them.

I have been provided with empathy and support over the years and have learned how to carry my trauma in a way that empowers me now. Luckily, most days, my brain follows my lead. The greatest gift that you can give a victim survivor who is struggling with their mental health is to educate yourself about these topics and provide them with radical empathy. This is true of those who are dealing with mental health diagnoses as well. Too often in our society, both these groups are victim-blamed, not believed, ignored, and told that they need to “get over it”. Changing this narrative within the communities and groups that we engage with is a powerful first step to making lasting change.

About the Author

Cathryn Councill Headshot

Cathryn Councill is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and is the Director of The SAFE Office at Rice University.

Community Share Mental Health Awareness Month Op-eds

Understanding and Promoting Black Mental Health

Understanding and Promoting Black Mental Health blog header

Racism has been embedded within American culture for centuries and in turn the U.S. healthcare system. This has led to mental health inequities in the African American community over time. Despite the current popularization of addressing individual mental well-being, the African American population continues to suffer. Mental health remains less researched, resourced, and advocated for equitably within the African American community.

The healthcare system in the United States of America has often engaged with members of the African American community as experimental subjects rather than as patients deserving of respect and quality care. US history is littered with examples of this racist-driven treatment. From the utilization of involuntary institutionalization as a form of punishment to the Tuskegee experiment in 1932, the healthcare system has been another avenue through which African Americans have been oppressed. During slavery, mental health as an aspect of the African American population’s health was often denied or misused to justify further subjugation (“The Historical Roots of Racial Disparities in the Mental Health System.” Counseling Today, 2020.) Following the abolition of slavery, the provision of equitable health services (including mental health) for African Americans was not deemed a priority. This led to less research, advocacy, overall investment, and corresponding healthcare policies being enacted. All these factors could have helped address pre-existing and emerging mental health inequities. Today, we can observe the results of that neglect when peering at the lack of quality healthcare providers/facilities situated in communities with many African American residents, insufficient cultural competency training for future health care providers, etc.

Inaction and apathy rooted in racism have permitted this inattention to the mental health of African Americans to be observable on all socio-ecological levels. Although rates of mental illnesses in African Americans are similar to those of the general population, disparities exist regarding mental health care services (Primm A, 2010). According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Mental Health Facts for African Americans guide, “African Americans are less likely to receive guideline-consistent care, less frequently included in the research, and more likely to use emergency rooms or primary care (rather than mental health specialists)”. “Which has led to only one-in-three African Americans who need mental health care receives it” (Dalencour M, 2017). Many studies have highlighted how factors like health care provider bias, inequality in healthcare services have driven this health inequity.

Currently, we are experiencing a massive shift in our collective regard for mental well-being. The pandemic and social unrest have thrust our nation into a discourse about our nation’s values. This has included mental health. Many have had to recognize the past and resulting compound, vicarious, historical and, racial trauma experienced by many, particularly the African American populace. Healthcare is a social determinant of health and addressing the widespread health-related inequities plaguing the African American community is imperative. This is inclusive of mental health. To properly address the preexisting and growing psychological needs of African Americans, we must explore current research into innovative and culturally competent therapeutic frameworks and interventions.

One way to support black mental health is promoting access to culturally competent mental health services. This means providing care that is sensitive to the cultural and racial experiences of black individuals and ensuring that black individuals have access to therapists and other mental health professionals who understand and can address their specific needs.

Therapy for Black Girls
Therapy for Black Men
Black Men’s Health
Find a Black Provider

Another way to support black mental health is by fostering safe spaces where individuals can openly discuss their experiences and emotions. This can be achieved through community-based initiatives, support groups, and online forums.

National Alliance of Mental Health
Black Mental Health Alliance
Black Millennial Mental Health

It is also important to invest in education and awareness programs that promote mental health literacy and encourage early intervention and treatment. This can include workshops, seminars, and community events that educate individuals on the signs and symptoms of mental illness, and how to access resources and support.

Black Mental Health, 988
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health in the Black Community
MHA of Greater Houston
Take a free, confidential mental health screening

By working together, to amplify these spaces and resources we can break down the barriers to mental health care and create a brighter future for black individuals and families.

About the Authors

Sharifa Charles
Nicole Milton

Sharifa Charles, Professional Development Specialist

Nicole Milton, Training Manager

Mental Health America of Greater Houston

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