April 29 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm CDT
Join us as Dr. Valera discusses the prevalence of brain injury, and it’s association with cognitive and psychiatric difficulties in women who have experienced intimate partner violence

Join us as Dr. Valera discusses the prevalence of brain injury, and it’s association with cognitive and psychiatric difficulties in women who have experienced intimate partner violence
2:30 pm
4:00 pm
Teen Dating Violence Panel
Who you choose to date speaks volumes about your values, priorities, and self-worth—it reflects more about you than your partner.
Did you know most teens face heightened risks of unhealthy relationships between the ages of 11 and 14? Why is this critical stage so impactful?
This is the time when young people begin navigating the transition to peer-driven dynamics, gaining independence, and exploring new opportunities—sports, cheerleading, school activities, and more. While parental support remains present, direct supervision often decreases.
At this age, teens feel invincible, push boundaries, and are curious to try new things. While we prepare them to excel academically and athletically, we often overlook equipping them to recognize the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships.
Just as we encourage preparation for major tests, we must also prepare them for the complexities of dating and relationships. Teaching teens about healthy relationship dynamics now helps prevent future violence and sets them up for success in all aspects of life.
Join us for this important event and help empower the next generation with the tools they need for safe, respectful, and healthy relationships.
Stefanie serves as the Community Outreach Coordinator with the Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council-(HCDVCC). Here she provides workshops and presentations throughout Houston and surrounding Harris County to help community members be able to recognize, respond, and refer those who are impacted by domestic violence. She also teaches prevention strategies and facilitates groups for Youth on Healthy Relationships and Teen Dating Violence Awareness.
Leila Wood, PhD, MSSW (she/her) is Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) McGovern Medical School, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Leila is the Director of Research and Evaluation at the Center for Violence Prevention and a Social Worker. Leila’s scholarship focuses on community, economic, and school-based intimate partner violence, dating violence, stalking, elder abuse, and sexual assault prevention and intervention approaches across the lifespan.
Ellen Wilder is the Expect Respect Training Manager at The SAFE Alliance in Austin, TX, where I have the privilege of supporting agencies nationwide in addressing and preventing teen dating violence. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a Master’s in Education, I bring a unique blend of clinical expertise and teaching experience to my work in training, consulting, and direct care. My career spans diverse settings, roles, and populations, but a common thread is my passion for building deep relationships and partnering with individuals on their healing and growth journeys.
Join us at the United Way for this informative overview of the HC District Attorney’s Office.
Speakers are: Tracy Gordon and Leticia Martinez
Tracy Gordon is a Crisis Risk Assessment Team member in the Harris County District Attorney’s Office in the Domestic Violence Bureau (DVB). She has been in the DVB for six years. She began her career as the Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART) Coordinator and later served as an administrative assistant for DVB misdemeanor prosecutors. After obtaining her Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work in 2022, Tracy became a CRAT caseworker assisting survivors of family violence by providing crisis counseling, individualized safety planning, referrals to community agencies, and obtaining Protective Orders.
Leticia Martinez is a High Risk Criminal Caseworker at the Harris County District Attorney’s Office in the Domestic Violence Bureau (DVB). She has been with the DA’s Office since 2012, previously having the roles of caseworker assistant and Crisis Risk Assessment Team (CRAT) caseworker. As part of the high-risk team, she works within a multi-disciplinary team that collaborates with community agencies to ensure the best outcome for survivors of family violence. Leticia has trained advocates and other professionals on domestic violence issues. She has testified as an expert witness on domestic violence and related issues.